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The Forged and The Fallen

The Taming and The Betrayal

The Taming and the Betrayal is a prequel novella set hundreds of years before the events in Through Blood and Dragons—book one in The Forged and The Fallen series.

Through Blood and Dragons

Dragons are not only weapons—they are engines of war. And even though Cyran is not trained in the ways of the dragonguard, he must adapt and learn to become one of them or his homeland and all of Cimeren will be destroyed.

Through Fire and Shadow

At the decimated outpost of Nevergrace, Cyran Orendain and his companions stand watch. They await the full onslaught of Murgare’s retaliation. But one has turned against them and another village has been ravaged by whatever lurks in the woods.

With the young lady of the Never by her side, Cyran’s sister Jaslin arrives at the king’s city of Galvenstone to answer a summons. She will find the answers to the queen’s murder and the darkness lurking beneath the streets, no matter what—or who—stands in her way.