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Epic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Dragons and Mythical Creatures

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Soon to be adapted into a video game!

Forged in blood. Fallen in death.

Dragons swarm the skies.

The Dragon Queen rides.

The shining city burns.

Click the button below for your free copy:

Epic Fantasy. Dragons. Magic. War.

The prequel for the brand new The Forged and The Fallen – a series that has already gathered tens of thousands of raving readers – is now being given away. For Free!

“The best epic fantasy series I’ve read in a decade.”

J.L. Lux, fantasy author

If you are a fan of epic fantasy and enjoy reading stories with dragons, action, magic, dragon thieves, loss, and adventure with high stakes, you will probably love these books.

Listen to a sample of the MARVELOUS performances by voice actor Ben Farrow above and below for the first two books of the series! (Right click with Chrome or Edge OR with Firefox click the little arrow toward the right side of the image above to bring up a new window to hear the samples!)

Epic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Dragons and Mythical Creatures
Forged in blood. Fallen in death.

In the Valley of the Smoke Breathers, a spark ignites. The Dragon Wars arise, and Cimerenden is poised to fall.

Epic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Dragons and Mythical Creatures
Steeped in blood. Ruled by those with dragons.

Dragons are not only weapons—they are engines of war. And even though Cyran is not trained in the ways of the dragonguard, he must adapt and learn to become one of them or his homeland and all of Cimeren will be destroyed.

Epic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Dragons and Mythical Creatures
Kingdoms burn. Heroes soar.

The growing shadows will consume all of the kingdoms and cover the lands in blood and dragon fire.

The world of Cimeren is growing, and the novel take on dragons will soon be adapted into a major video game!

gray steel sword on ground during daytime

Explore the Full Collection of R.M. Schultz’s books

With several series ranging from a fantasy thriller and mystery series, a science fantasy series, a best-selling and insanely high-rated fantasy afterlife world, as well as a historical fantasy based in ancient Egypt, there is something for most fantasy fans.

Epic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Dragons and Mythical Creatures

Your Free Book is Waiting … (for a limited time)

Get The Forged and The Fallen prequel novella right here: